Benefits for YOU

  • A'Ojas methods

    A’Ojas provides

    ─ Consulting

    ─ Coaching or

    ─ Training

    formats depending on individual requirements.

  • Everyday life Expertise

    ─ Behavior
    (structure & routine)

    ─ Nutrition
    (flavor, food types, spices and herbs, and their healing characteristics, food combinations & menu selection, detox & fastening)

    ─ Exercise
    (incl. Yoga and Meditation hints)

  • Insights & Understanding

    ─ Physical constitution types
    (Dosha: Vata, Pitta & Kapha)

    ─ Mental constitution types
    (Gunas: Sattva, Rajas, Tamas)

    ─ Physical & mental imbalances

  • Ayurveda mental coaching

    ─ Personnel development

    ─ Stress management

    ─ Regain balance in life after a crisis

a’Ojas services for YOU

    • Get-to-know

    • Ayurveda Anamneses

    • Goal alignment

    • Initial top nutrition & behavior measures

    • 1.5h, ideally in-person meeting in Munich, Germany, VideoCall tbd.

  • Discovery session

    Check-in #2-4 sessions

    • Reflection of success, roadblocks and resources

    • Refinement & re-alignment of goals and priorities

    • Alignment development nutrition & behavior measures

    • Each 1h, in-person in Munich, Germany or VideoCall every 3 weeks. Longer programs on request

  • On demand e.g. health & wellbeing seminar, nutrition trainings

    • Prices: on reqest

    • Payment: cash, bank transfer or paypal

    • Execution: For quality reasons (in particular anamnese), the discovery session should take place in-person. Idealy in Munich/Germany. Other localtions or venue tbd.

    • Coverage & partners: For medical advise consult relevant certified professionals like doctors, therapists or others.

Your contribution

a healthy lifestye is an attitude.

Pre-conditions for success are your unconditional willingness and committed time to collaborate, learn and change over time not over night.

You certainly can use ‘little’ helpers. But, you can’t outsource your very own health and wellbeing because all the magic starts in your mind.

contact me


Munich, Germany